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Attribution and Licensing

If you are the author of a publication or research report that uses Overture data, you may choose to add the following citation, including the date the data were accessed: Overture Maps Foundation,

The Overture Maps Foundation does not require text attribution or an OMF logo on maps, visualizations, and graphics created with our datasets. If you would like to credit Overture, we suggest: © Overture Maps Foundation. Some of the data sources we use in Overture datasets require their own attribution, according to their licenses. See below for more information.


License for theme: The addresses data comes from a variety of sources. All carry permissive open licenses. Some have special terms or require attribution. These terms are outlined below.


License for theme: ODbL


License for theme: ODbL


License for theme: ODbL


License for theme: CDLA Permissive 2.0


License for theme: ODbL