
建立 Overture 地圖

步驟 1: 下載所需的資料

Overture Maps 資料以 cloud-native 格式 GeoParquet 釋出。這些資料進一步按 主題類型 進行分區。通過使用像 DuckDB 這樣的工具下載資料,可以充分利用這些特性,實現最佳性能。下載並將資料轉換為 GeoJSON 後,我們可以使用 tippecanoe 為每個主題創建 PMTiles 存檔。

地點資料主題代表現實世界中的業務和興趣點。詳細了解地點資料架構,請參閱 文檔

  1. 以下 DuckDB 查詢會下載特定邊界框內的地點資料並寫入 GeoJSON 檔案。

    LOAD spatial;
    LOAD httpfs;
    -- Access the data on AWS in this example
    SET s3_region='us-west-2';

    COPY (
    names.primary AS name,
    categories.primary as category,
    ROUND(confidence,2) as confidence,
    ST_GeomFromWKB(geometry) as geometry
    FROM read_parquet('s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2024-07-22.0/theme=places/*/*')
    -- Point geometry doesn't require looking at both min and max:
    bbox.xmin BETWEEN -122.68 AND -121.98 AND
    bbox.ymin BETWEEN 47.36 AND 47.79
    ) TO 'seattle_places.geojson' WITH (FORMAT GDAL, DRIVER 'GeoJSON', SRS 'EPSG:4326');

  2. 接下來,使用 tippecanoeseattle_places.geojson 創建 pmtiles 存檔。

    tippecanoe -fo places.pmtiles -Z13 -z13 -l places seattle_places.geojson
    Tippecanoe flag explanation
    • -fo places.pmtiles The output file will be places.pmtiles. It will be overwritten if it exists.
    • -Z13 and -z13 will produce a tileset starting at zoom 13 and going up to zoom 13 (only 1 zoom level).
    • -l places names the layer "places"

步驟 2:使用 Maplibre + PMTiles 創建地圖

目前,我們已經從五個 Overture 主題創建了五個 PMTiles 檔案:

  1. places.pmtiles
  2. placenames.pmtiles
  3. buildings.pmtiles
  4. roads.pmtiles
  5. base.pmtiles

本頁的地圖結合了 react maplibre 範例PMTiles。您可以在 GitHub 上 查看原始碼 獲得完整的 react 示例,或到 基於 7 月發佈的地圖 查看非 react 的 PMTiles 實例。

使用 PMTiles 與 react 需要添加 PMtiles protocol

import maplibregl from 'maplibre-gl';
import { Protocol } from 'pmtiles';

useEffect(() => {
let protocol = new Protocol();

... initialize your map here ...

return () => {
}, []);


  style: {
sources: {
roads: {
type: "vector",
url: "pmtiles://../example-map/tiles/roads.pmtiles"
places: {
type: "vector",
url: "pmtiles://../example-map/tiles/places.pmtiles"

步驟 3:為圖層設置樣式

下面的每個標籤依照 Maplibre Style Spec 包含了地圖的完整樣式,

"id": "placesLabel",
"type": "symbol",
"source": "places",
"source-layer": "places",
"filter": [
"minzoom": 15,
"maxzoom": 24,
"layout": {
"text-field": [
"text-font": [
"Noto Sans Bold"
"text-max-width": 5,
"text-size": 10,
"text-line-height": 1,
"text-justify": "center",
"text-anchor": "center",
"text-radial-offset": 0.8,
"text-padding": 4
"paint": {
"text-color": "#071F3F",
"text-halo-color": "#dce6ef",
"text-halo-width": 1