


Here are the highlights of what's new and updated in Overture's 2024-03-12-alpha.0 release. This release includes a schema change from camelCase to snake_case for all property names and enumeration member names, an expansion of stable GERS IDs and incremental updates to the schema and datasets.

Breaking changes

We changed camelCase to snake_case in the schema for properties to be more compatible with some SQL engines. This may break existing code and queries:

In previous releases of Overture data, we used camelCase for attribute names throughout the schema. A duckdb query to find Pennsylvania in our admins dataset might have looked like this:

LOAD spatial;
LOAD httpfs:

ST_GeomFromWKB(geometry) as geometry
read_parquet('s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2024-02-15-alpha.0/theme=admins/type=*/*', filename=true, hive_partitioning=1)
WHERE type='locality'
AND subType='administrativeLocality'
AND adminLevel=2
AND names.primary LIKE 'Pennsylvania';

In the March release, we changed all property names and enumeration member names to snake_case. This is a big one-time churn to improve SQL compatibility. That same query to find Pennsylvania now looks like this:

LOAD spatial;
LOAD httpfs:

ST_GeomFromWKB(geometry) as geometry
read_parquet('s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2024-03-12-alpha.0/theme=admins/type=*/*', filename=true, hive_partitioning=1)
WHERE type='locality'
AND subtype='administrative_locality'
AND admin_level=2
AND names.primary LIKE 'Pennsylvania';
│ id │ iso_sub_country_code │ context_id │ primary │ geometry │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ geometry │
│ 0857b2b73fffffff01914c596abbfacd │ US-PA │ 0850c861bfffffff01aeb407d56d3441 │ Pennsylvania │ POINT (-77.7278831 40.9699889) │


In the April 2024 release, Overture will implement a refactor of the Admins theme called Divisions. Admins and Divisions will coexist for three releases, at which point Divisions will fully replace Admins. More information on this change here.


See our changelog here.

Theme-specific updates


  • Refreshed to include OSM data up to 2024-03-03.
  • Added ferry and alley segments.
  • Included 125K previously unsupported turn restrictions.
  • Added support for max weight, height, width and length access restrictions.
  • Added one-way road access restrictions.
  • Added road widths property to segments.
  • Acheived stability of GERS IDs for connectors and segments for this and future releases.
  • Note: data in the transportation theme is licensed under ODbL.

Administrative Boundaries (Admins)

  • Refreshed to include OSM data up to 2024-03-07.
  • Adapted schema to use snake_case to make attribute names more compatible with some SQL engines.
  • Correctly set locality types.
  • Made minor fixes:
    • All country localities now have ISO codes.
    • All non-country localities now have context property set.
  • Note: data in the Admin theme is licensed under ODbL.


  • Achieved roughly 54 million place records.
  • Propagated stable GERS IDs from the previous release.
  • Made incremental improvements to accuracy and data quality.
  • Note: data in the Places theme is licensed under CDLA Permissive 2.0.


  • Exposed the logic Overture uses to transform OSM tags into building attributes.
  • Made incremental improvements to further ensure the data conforms to the buildings schema.
  • Note: data in the Buildings theme is licensed under ODbL.


  • Exposed the logic Overture uses to transform OSM tags into attributes in the land use, land and water data types.
  • Made incremental improvements to further ensure the data conforms to the base schema.
  • Note: data in the Base theme is licensed under ODbL.


The data sources for each theme are cited here.