

Here's what's new and updated in the Overture Maps 2024-05-16-beta.0 release. The "beta" designation indicates the data and schema are largely stable.

Overture Maps 2024-05-16-beta.0 is available in GeoParquet and stored on AWS and Azure. Users can select the data of interest and download it by following the process outlined here. We encourage developers wishing to adopt Overture Maps base layers to begin evaluating and providing feedback on the data, schema, and GERS IDs. Depending on the feedback from this release and subsequent releases, we anticipate moving to a production release in the next few months.

Breaking changes

In the buildings theme, we promoted class to subtype and introduced new class values. This allows for more detail in a feature. Parking garages, for example, now have the attributes: subtype=transportation and class=parking.


Last month, we announced the deprecation of our admins theme and launched its replacement, divisions. Because of issues with missing data in divisions, we have extended the life of admins. Here is the new deprecation schedule: the two themes will coexist in the May, June, and July 2024 releases; in the August 2024 release, we will fully remove admins from our schema and data. More information on why we made this change here.

Schema Changelog

See our changelog here.

Theme-specific updates


  • refreshed data with OpenStreetMap snap on 10 May 2024
  • populated region field for division_area type
  • populated local_type field division type
  • known issue: the capital_division_id field in division type is missing data

See information above about the deprecation of admins schema and data


  • added land_cover schema and data derived from ESA WorldCover high-resolution Earth observation imagery
  • added new subtypes in infrastructure type: barrier, pedestrian, utility, waste_management, water
  • added min_zoom and max_zoom attributes for cartographic purposes


  • promoted class to subtype and introduced new class values for buildings. Where relevant, the class tag is the value of the building key in OSM. This allows anyone to use previous class types as subtype (backwards compatible) and introduces new class values that allow for more detail, like parking. Parking garages, for example, now have the attributes: subtype=transportation, class=parking; example of new subtypes, promoted from class: agricultural, civic, commercial, education, entertainment, industrial, medical, military, outbuilding, religious, residential, service, transportation
  • made incremental updates from OSM since the previous release


  • made incremental changes to improve the accuracy and quality of the dataset


  • added missing vehicle travel mode
  • added missing is_covered road flag
  • populated is_abandoned flag when relevant abandoned or disused tags are present
  • added OSM source ids for connectors
  • fixed null linear referencing for names in some cases


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